Benjawan Plengkham



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- ภาษาอังกฤษเพื่อการนำเสนอทางธุรกิจ

English for Business Presentation Language skills in drafting and presenting business reports, starting from preparing the topic and content of the report, note-taking and summarizing skills, interpreting facts, figures and charts, outlining and writing concise and effective business reports. Presentations to groups or simulated company board meetings, seminars or conferences. Utilising multimedia equipment and the strategies of voice projection, pause, markers, fillers and non-verbal communication.  

 Download มคอ 3

- การพูดในที่ชุมชน

Practice of prepared public speeches in various situations and for several purposes, including narrative, persuasive and argumentative, by using appropriate language, tone, voice projection, eye contact, gestures and visual aids.

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- ภาษาอังกฤษธุรกิจ

Fundamental knowledge of English four skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) in various situations for ground and in-flight attendant i.e. making the first and final announcements during with on-board accidents, checking before take-off and landing, and welcoming arrival and departure passengers etc.


- ภาษาอังกฤษเพื่อการนำเข้าและส่งออก

Basic knowledge of vocabulary and expressions used in imports and exports. Understanding how to manage import and export job descriptions. English in work situations in imports and exports companies, and work processes, means of transportation, insurance, some basic customs regulations, and forms used in importing and exporting.

 Download มคอ 3

- วาทการ

Practice of giving speeches at a variety of occasions including speech of introduction and thanks both formal and

informal language. Planning a speech and correcting pronunciation errors among Thai speakers.

Download มคอ 3