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Course Code/Name Course Description
 1551105     Form and Use in English 1

Extended review of English grammar structures with emphasis on sentence forms, clause patterns, word order, subject-verb agreement, and tenses. Application of forms and using spoken and written structures in a communicative context. Analyses of text-dialogue or prose, and practical exercises.


1551110     Writing for Communication 1

Development of English writing skills for daily-life communication including introducing oneself, writing note and messages, requests, cards, diaries, Blogs, invitations, forms, small ads, and itineraries.


1551111     Writing for Communication 2

An extensive study and practice of writing skills in daily-life communication including describing people, things and places, personal letters, resume, application forms, application letters, note-taking, memos, and e-mails.


1551107     Controlled Writing

The practical study of everyday written, communicative English: message for notice boards and written greetings, note-taking, filling out forms and conventions of letter-writing, both formal and informal, letters of invitation, polite refusal, replies to invitation, job application and résumés.


1552102     Paragraph Writing

A study of features of paragraph writing and the necessity for clarity and organization in formal paragraphs of definition, description, exemplification, classification, comparison, cause and effect, procedure, etc. Practice in developing an idea or theme at paragraph level and development of skills in fluent writing.


1554904     English Classroom Research

An introduction to research: classroom research, research methodology, research design, data collection and data analysis, and writing up the research in terms of discussion, conclusion and implications. Includes practice in writing a research proposal, conducting a small research project, and writing a literature review.


1554905     Basic Research in Language                        and Communication

An introduction to the nature and components of research in language and communication: research definition, significance of research and the research process, including literature review, data collection techniques, reference and citation and report typesetting techniques. Developing research proposals, analyzing and interpreting data, as well as writing research report.

1553103      Reading for Text Interpretation                               and Attitudes

Practice of extended text reading strategies with texts of increasing complexity and particularly advanced vocabulary levels. Differentiation of facts from opinions, detecting implied meaning, understanding the development of ideas in continuous texts. Interpretation of texts, reading critically to determine the opinions and attitudes of the writer. Reading newspaper articles, advertisements, editorials, critical reviews and all showing a variety of writing styles.