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Online Courses

1. Primary Medical Care_English Version

NPRU Open Courseware

2. Primary Medical Care Practicum_English Version

NPRU Open Courseware

3. Epidemiology

Youtube_วันเพ็ญ แวววีรคุปต์

4. Ebook รวมผลงาน ebooks

5. Researchgate


-2018 Doctor of public health (International program), Major in public health nursing, Faculty of Public Health, Mahidol University, Thailand

-2014 Certificate of completion course audit (Public Health Nursing, Synthesis and Translation of Evidence, and Conducting Systematic Reviews and Writing Specific Aims), The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Nursing,   USA

-2006 Certificate of nurse specialist, basic medical care, School of Nursing, Faculty of Ramathibodi Hospital Medicine, Mahidol University, Thailand

-2003 Master science of public health, Public health nursing , Faculty of Public Health, Mahidol University, Thailand

-1991 Bachelor degree of nursing, nursing, School of Nursing, Faculty of Ramathibodi Hospital Medicine, Mahidol University, Thailand