ผศ.ดร.วรินทร์ ศรีปัญญา
Asst. Prof. Warin Sripanya, Ph.D.
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S. Yooyuanyong and W. Sripanya, Mathematical modelling of magnetometric resistivity sounding earth structures, Thai J. Math. 3(2005), 249-258.

S. Yooyuanyong and W. Sripanya, Magnetic field of direct current in heterogeneous ground, Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol. 29(2007), 565-573.

S. Yooyuanyong, P. Lee and W. Sripanya, Apparent conductivity of soil salinity profile of marine shrimp aquaculture farm, Silpakorn U. Sci. Tech. J. 3(2009), 48-52.

S. Yooyuanyong, P. Lee and W. Sripanya, Soil salinity profile of marine shrimp aquaculture farm: a case study at Banglen, Nakornpathom, Thailand, Thai J. Math. 7(2009), 15-21.

S. Yooyuanyong and W. Sripanya, Analytical solutions of magnetic field response from multilayered earth structures, in Y. A. Hasan, N. M. Ali and A. I. M. Ismail, eds., Proceedings of the 5th Asian Mathematical Conference, Vol. II: Applied Mathematics, 2009, pp. 411-418.

W. Sripanya and S. Yooyuanyong, Mathematical inverse problem of electric potential in a heterogeneous layered earth containing buried electrodes, J. Math. Sci. Adv. Appl. 7(2011), 37-56.

W. Sripanya and S. Yooyuanyong, Mathematical inverse problem of magnetic field for transitional ground profile, Pioneer J. Math. Math. Sci. 2(2011), 17-29.

W. Sripanya, N. Chumchob and S. Yooyuanyong, Regularized inverse problem of magnetic field from a layered earth structure, Pioneer J. Adv. Appl. Math. 3(2011), 91-100.

W. Sripanya and S. Yooyuanyong, Mathematical inverse problem of magnetic field from heterogeneous earth structures, Far East J. Math. Sci. 70(2012), 187-199.

W. Sripanya and S. Yooyuanyong, Mathematical inverse problem of magnetic field from exponentially varying conductive ground, Appl. Math. Sci. 6(2012), 5639-5647.

W. Sripanya, Regularized inverse problem of magnetometric resistivity response over a layered earth, Adv. Studies Theor. Phys. 7(2013), 183-190.

W. Sripanya, Inverse problem of magnetometric resistivity response from exponentially varying conductive ground, Adv. Studies Theor. Phys. 7(2013), 367-374.

W. Sripanya, Inverse problem of electrical resistivity sounding on exponentially varying conductive ground, Appl. Math. Sci. 7(2013), 2399-2405.

W. Sripanya, Mathematical Modelling of Magnetic Field from Heterogeneous Media with a Homogeneous Overburden, Int. J. Pure Appl. Math. 94(2014), 37-44.

W. Sripanya, Inverse Problem of Resistivity Sounding for an Exponential Earth with Buried Electrodes, Far East J. Math. Sci. 90(2014), 203-210.