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My philosophical education is the constructionism. First of all, they students have to be aware of the society illnesses where they are living in. I believe the curriculum approach I use is the behavioral approach which I can teach the content of the lesson and to control behavior in the same time. I set up the goals of what I want to accomplish, and then I train my students to reach those goals. I normally use the student center which I introduce English learning in the fun and useful way. The most important thing is to encourage and motivate them to learn. To do so, I always use the positive and negative reinforcement. I always give extra scores for the good behavior. The behavioral approach is easy to be implemented and it gives enough time for students to learn by drilling and practicing.

On behalf of a teacher of English, I believe it is the responsibility of students to learn English and to improve their society. They have to learn English and to use English as a part of the national development. Moreover, they can improve their international assessment result in a better position. The young people are the back born to build up the nation so they have to build up a good English language competency. Besides this, they should be aware of how to transmit English to the children for the next generation. The curriculum is designed for content-based learning. 

I believe the role of the teacher is to inform students about their society illness. He plays an important role to lead students to find out the society issues are and to make a better change. He also introduces the critical thinking, so that they will make a great impact in the society. However, the society is full of the different perspective and individualism. The teacher is to bring the harmony and unity to the society by teaching the students to drop their selfishness. The teacher also believes in the students’ potential and care about their growth. The greater they learn, the greater the benefits they can provide in the society.