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Research Experiences:

The Study of Tourism Management for Sustainable Tourism of Lampay  Floating Market, Nakhon Pathom Province (2007)  Funded by the Office of the Higher Education Commission of Thailand

The Guidelines’ Tourism Acidity Standard of Lampaya Floating Market, Nakhon Pathom Province (2008) Funded by the Higher Education Commission of Thailand

The Study of Potential Cultural Tourism in Muang District, Nakhon Pathom Province (2009) Funded by Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University

The Development of Appropriate Cultural Tourism for Sustainable Tourism at Bang Lauang Community, Nakhon Pathom Province (2012) Co-research Funded by the Office of the Higher Education Commission of Thailand

Eco lodge management in Ladyya, Muang District, Kanchanaburi Province (2012) Co-research carried out with students used in teaching Tourism Research course

The Guidelines for Development of Integrated Marketing Communication to Promote the Cultural TourismofBang Laung Market, Banglen District, Nakhon Pathom Province (2015) Funded by Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University


Field interest:

                    Creative tourism, Community-based tourism, Knowledge transferring, Grounded theory