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  • 申烨,林饶美. 2022. 汉语生肖虎成语文化内涵及其与泰国文化之共性研究. Lawarath Social E-Journal, 4(2):113-138.
  • Shen, Ye., & Siriwan, Likhidcharoentham. 2022. A Study on the Cutural Connatation of the Chinese Zodiac Tiger Idioms and the Commonalities with Culture. Lawarath Social E-Journal, 4(2):113-138.


  • 申烨,吴琼. 2022. 《泰国公共场合标识语中文翻译错误分析及规范化研究》. 中国学研究期刊-泰国农业大学,总第15期第1卷:242-287.
  • Shen, Ye., & Kanokporn Numtong. 2022. Errors Analysis of Chinese Translation and Standardization of Thai Public Signs in Thailand. Chinese Studies Journal Kasetsart University, 15(1): 242-287.


  • 申烨,李玉红. 2021. 《泰国汉语教育中“教师教材教法”的问题及对策》. 2021 DPU工商创新与社会人文科学国际研究讨会, 870-878.
  • Shen Ye, Wipawee Wanla. 2021. Problems and Measures to Cope with "Teachers, Texts, and Learning Management" of Chinese Language Learning in Thailand. DPU International Conference on Business Innovation and Social Sciences 2021, 870-878.


  • วิภาวิ วันละ, SHEN YE. 2019.《การบูรณาการเกมในการเรียนการสอนตัวเลขภาษาจีน 》. การประชุมวิชาการระดับชาติ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏนครปฐม, ๑๑-๑๒ กรกฎาคม ๒๕๖๒.
  • วิภาวิ วันละ, SHEN YE. The Integration of Games with the Teaching of Chinese Numbers. The 11th NPRU NATIONAL ACADAMIC CONFERENCE, 11-12 JULY 2019.


  • 申烨,李玉红. 2019. 《汉语程度副词作状语对比研究及偏误分析》. 2019年正大管理学院社会科学与管理国际会议—--时代的创新发展与管理, 641-654.
  • Shen Ye, Wipawee Wanla. 2019. COMPARISON OF USING ADVERB OF DEGREE AS A VERB COMPLEMENT BETWEEN. CHINESE AND THAI LANGUAGE. 2019 Panyapiwat International Congerence on Social Science and Management, 641-654.


  • 申烨. 2012. 《浅谈对外汉语教学中的生动性教学》. 《北方文学》2012年10月刊。国内统一刊号:CN 23-1058/I, 国家标准刊号:ISSN 0476-031X
  • Shen, Ye. 2012. Basic Study on Vivid Teaching in Teaching Chinese As A Second Language. NOTTHERN LITERATURE, 2012(10). CN 23-1058/I,ISSN 0476-031X.