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Kamollabhu Thanomsat

Lecturer/ Researcher



Thanomsat K, Wichentanont S, Wannarit L-O, Meesukmak N. (2523). The Effect of Health Literacy on Smoking Cessation Aid Program (HLSCAP) on Health Literacy and Perceived Skills in Helping Smoking Cessation among Village Health Volunteers. J Royal Thai Army Nurses. 24(1):415-22. https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JRTAN/article/view/256427 Download.

Seaharattanapatum, B., Jrarawattanakul, S., Pungbangkadee, R.,Chaiyasung, P., and Thanomsat, K. (2023). The development of a smoking control activity model for all aged groups by nursing student leaders. Thai Journal of Nursing, 72(1), 19-26. Download.



Thanomsat, K., Yunibhand, J., Preechawong, S. (2022). Effectiveness of an integrated smoking cessation service model on smoking status: A preliminary study. Tobacco Induced Diseases, 20(November), 104. https://doi.org/10.18332/tid/155375 Download

Thanomsat, K., Yunibhand, J., & Preechawong, S. (2022). An Integrated Smoking Cessation Intervention in the Primary Care Service System: An Intervention Mapping. The Open Public Health Journal, 15(1). https://doi.org/10.2174/18749445-v15-e2207280 Download


Thanomsat, K.. (2021). Life style, problems and needs among elders living alone: a case study of older adults in Nakhon Pathom provinceJournal of the Police Nurses, 13(1). 1-12. Download

Thanomsat, K., Thopanya, P.,  Mueangsamai, P., Kiatnok, H., Srisuwan, A. (2021). Effect of Health Literacy for Smoking Cessation Enhancing Program Among Adolescent in Nakhon Pathom Province. The 4th National Conference "NewNormalinEmergencyandTraumaCare: Challengesinthe21stCentury". 

Thanomsat, K., Thopanya, P.,  Mueangsamai, P., Kiatnok, H., Srisuwan, A. (2021). Relapse smoking rate and causes of relapse smoking among smokers provided brief advice by Village health volunteers: a case study of communities in Nakhon Pathom and Rayong provinces. The 13 NPRU national academic conference. Download


ศุภธิดา จันทร์บุรี และกมลภู ถนอมสัตย์. (2563). การดูแลสุภาวะแบบองค์รวมของผู้สูงอายุในชุมชนตามแนวคิดพฤฒพลัง. เอกสารประกอบการประชุมระดับชาติ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏนครปฐมครั้งที่ 12, 1090-1097. 


Thanomsat, K., & Yunibhand, J. (2019). Effective behavioral interventions for smoking cessation in the primary care setting: A meta-analysis. Interdisciplinary Research Review, 14(6), 1-6. 



Thanomsat, K., Saisut, Tapasee (2015). The study of Drug Compliance Behaviors Model of Elders with Hypertension in Community. abcjournal, 7(2), 36-49.

Thanomsat, K., Saisut, S., Phichachan, N., Tapasee, W., Srivipat, N., & Tangkittiwat, K. (2015). Community Participation Model for Health Promotion among Diabetes Mellitus Patients in Prongmadua Community, Muang, NakhonPathom. Rajabhat Journal of Sciences, Humanities & Social Sciences, 16(2), 322-333.


Thanomsat, K., and Sunsern, R. (2011). Factors related to smoking stage among male students at lower secondary school under the jurisdiction of Trat education service area office. Journal of Nursing Education, 4 (3), 38-47.



 Junprasert, S., Sangsuwan, S., Sangchalin, P., Wichainphrapa, T., Thanomsat, K, and Rotjanasodom, T. (2010). The effect of self-efficacy development of elastic band exercise instructors for hypertension prevention and control in village health volunteers, Tambon Mhuang, Muang District, Chonburi Province. The Journal of Faculty of Nursing Burapha University, 18 (1), 73-84.



Research report

1. Thanomsat, K. (2013). Effects of the questions using a cap of six tickets per critical thinking of students in nursing. Nakhon Pathom: Faculty of Nursing Publisher.

2. Thanomsat, K. (2014). Research operating conditions, network health, network Tha Muang district-level case studies, Kanchanaburi. Genesis: copier papers.

3. Thanomsat, K. (2014). Research Network operating conditions, the District Health System Case Study Network Huai jute, Kanchanaburi. Genesis: copier papers.

Conference proceeding

1. Chankum, W., Buajareon, H., Pratakkulwongsa, S., and Thanomsat, K. (2012). The study of capacity and social welfare management by community established self-care local management at Khongnamlai Thombon, Khampangpat Province.  Proceedings of Research, the 4th National Conference NPRU (pp. 792-802). Nakhon Pathom, Thailand: NPRU.

2. Pratakkulwongsa, S., , Buajareon, H., Chankum, W., and Thanomsat, K. (2012). The study of capacity and social capitals of Thung-Po Thombon for community self-management.  Proceedings of Research, the 4th National Conference NPRU (pp. 833-839). Nakhon Pathom, Thailand: NPRU.

3. Thanomsat, K, Nakonchai, T., and Piyarattanawat, S. (2014). Factors associated with the behavior and health of diabetes patients in Nakhon Pathom Province, Proceedings of Research, the 6th National Conference NPRU. Nakhon Pathom, Thailand: NPRU.

4. Thanomsat, K, and Chaowsil, N. (2012). Health promoting behaviors among voluntary working staff at the shelter for flood victims, NPRU, Thailand. Proceedings of Research, The 2012 International Conference on Trends in Emergency, Trauma, and Disaster Nursing (pp. 88-94). Nakhon Pathom, Thailand: NPRU.

5. Thanomsat, K., Pompranee, P., Khuntitheerakool, P., Ninlaporn, P. and Tangkittiwat, K. (2013). Health promoting behaviors among elders in community. Proceedings of Research, the 5th National Conference NPRU (pp. 588-596). Nakhon Pathom, Thailand: NPRU.

6. Thanomsat, K., Tapasee, W., Suwanmanee, W., Jaidee, C., Nakonchai, T., and Tapasee, C. (2013). Factors related to drug compliance behaviors of elders with hypertension in community. Proceedings of Research, the 5th National Conference NPRU (pp. 578-587). Nakhon Pathom, Thailand: NPRU.

7. Thanomsat, K., Buajareon, H., Chankum, W., and Pratakkulwongsa, S. (2012). Cultural based parcipatory management to be local self- reliance Maepa Subdistrict, Mae Sot District, Tak Province. Proceedings of Research, the 4th National Conference NPRU (pp. 825-832). Nakhon Pathom, Thailand: NPRU.

8. Thanomsat, K., et al. (2015). Symptoms Recognition of Ischemic Heart Disease among Risk Population in Wangtakoo Subdistrict, Muang District, Nakhon Pathom Province. Proceedings of Research, the 7th National Conference NPRU (pp. 396-406). Nakhon Pathom, Thailand: NPRU.

9. Thanomsat, K., et al. (2558). Smoking preventive behavior promoting model among early male adolescents. Proceedings of Research, the 7th National Conference NPRU. Nakhon Pathom, Thailand: NPRU.

10. Thanomsat, K., and Tapasee, W. (2013). The study of drug compliance behaviors model of elders withh in community. Proceedings of Research, the 7th National Conference NPRU (pp. 371-381). Nakhon Pathom, Thailand: NPRU.